Friday, June 20, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
One Lazy Day...

No More Braces! Woo Hoo! Mama's 7 month sentence is now complete. LOL!
On another note I must add that Kobi has a new talent! Singing! Yes people he knows most of the lyrics to Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds" and he recites them over and over again during the day. Nothing is cuter then hearing your 2 year old singing "Every thing's gonna be alright" :) Then there is his new infatuation. Star Wars! Yes this little boy loves Yoda! He cries if this scary looking Yoda doll isn't in his room at night and I hear him saying "Jedi mind trick" to it. OK... clearly this is all daddies doing:)
His language skills have really blown me away lately. I find it remarkable that he knows when to use English vs Mandarin. Since Kobi entered our family in 06' I've continued to speak Mandarin to him. Usually just basic phrases and I am finding that he speaks these phrases to his teachers and also complete strangers when he's out cruising the town with mama. Now the funny part is he only speaks in Mandarin when he is face to face with an Asian person, English with everyone else. When asked "What is your name" by an Asian person he responds "An-An". This is his Taiwanese nickname. He will also repeatedly say "Ni hao" & other small phrases. Isn't that funny? How does such a little person know this stuff?? Driving in the car yesterday daddy handed Kobi a toy (still in the box) and Kobi's response was "Scissors please".
What can I say other then... funny kid!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Here is Kobi's newest love... Miss Sarah.
What can I say. With the way Kobi gravitated towards her all day, I'm just glad she loves children! LOL!
Oh course no new post is complete without a flying mid-air picture! Daddy really is careful but his pictures don't always look like it.
Finally mama got her chance to throw Kobi in the air...
and don't forget to tickle!
We really had a wonderful Sunday playing outside! Kobi keep those smiles coming:)