Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas 2007!

Yes people... this picture about sums up our Christmas 2007:) Do you see the unused chair behind me? Well apparently Kobi didn't? So you see along with 1 million toys Kobi also got a lounge chair (mama) and a personal organizer/ car loader (daddy) for Christmas. What can I say. Currently at this time we are accepting no more toys and or any other objects that require assembly and or objects that make ridiculous amounts of noise that can be used in a toy like manner. LOL! Besides all that... it was a great Christmas!(My 1st child Matthew :)Kobi's 1st reaction to our family room "post-Santa".Lets just say he got the hang of present unwrapping rather quickly. Our multi-tasking child. The cell phone was a hit and he pretended to talk while he unwrapped! Now who could have taught him that??
Hope you all had a great Christmas! Now mama's off to detox from all the wine and desserts... now where's that treadmill again? :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy 1st Anniversary Kobi Baby!

One year ago in Taichung Taiwan! Today in Baltimore Maryland!

Yes guys its been a year! I remember a year ago thinking to myself "Oh my God... someone is actually entrusting me in the life of a little person?" LOL! Now a year latter I'm reminded that Kobi IS my little life buddy and the fact that he was born across a huge ocean by someone else has nothing to do with the fact that he is and acts just like me! I'm sure some of you out there (not in the adoption community)are saying "Huh?" but its true. Its been amazing watching him grow this past year. The way that he's picked up on my little habits (example... bringing the hair gel to me in the morning and giving me rolling eye looks or funny glances when daddy does something silly) its just remarkable. I love the way that he's all teeth when he smiles and his laugh just carries through any room that he's in. Don't get me wrong... this little man's got attitude for only being one but he wouldn't be my kiddo without it:)
So since we started our life in a rather large town (Taipei) a year ago I found it only fitting to go to another large town (Baltimore... NO WHERE NEAR THE SIZE OF TAIPEI) to honor our 1 year anniversary. In a way I feel this is more Kobi's birthday to me then his actually one and so we hit the National Aquarium and bugged that Santa person for the day and since daddy had to work we packed up our friends Lisa and Brady and hit the town!

Hope you enjoy the pictures. Kobi and Brady had a blast!!

1st reaction to seeing fish in a tank. Priceless!Mama's favorite part was seeing the puffy penguins.
Now moving on to business... Lisa and I were so impressed that Kobi walked right up to Santa! And YES guys these are the only pictures I got because the going rate for a professional Santa picture in Baltimore is $35! No tears. Woo Hoo!How do kids sleep like this? He slept the whole car ride home...
but not to worry. As soon as we arrived home he was off to playing on the steps just like usual!Love Ya Baby! You truly are the light of daddy and mama's life and December 18th will always mark the happiest day of our lives... the day you made us your parents!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Future Pilot?

I don't know about you but I think cutest pilot ever!

The things that happen while dad's at Circuit City...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Oh how you meet so many wonderful people in the adoption community! Matthew, Kobi and I received this wonderful "huge" box from our special friends in the Pacific! Mahalo, Mahalo, MAHALO LOTS! All we can say is "We'd like to thank the Academy..." Hahaha! At least that is the way we felt when we opened this package. I won't be modest... I love everything! From the very cool Hawaiian outfit to the Gap and Macy gift certificates! The Macadamia Nut cookies are almost gone and we just cant thank you guys enough. In no way do we feel worthy:)
*Thank you Derek, Kristie & Yu-Lin! We hope to meet you guys in person some day soon! If I had my way I'd be on a plane to visit tomorrow. Its like 30 degrees right now in Maryland and my tans a fading! LOL!
***A Note from Sherry***
I have to laugh at a lot of your comments left on my last post "Hey There Dolly"!
To Andrea... I will take a picture of Kobi in the midst of my shoe collection for you.
To Sarah... YES that was all daddies idea! LOL!
To Tish... If your hair is super dry then buy a plastic cap, slather your hair with cheap old Cholesterol, put your head under the heat and then condition with Matrix Sleek Look conditioner. Your hair will be so soft that your husband wont be able to take his hands off you. Hehehe!
To Ann... YES these pictures will turn into "Blackmail" if Kobi doesn't grow up listening to his mama!
To Glinda... I hope your hair is sparkly & thanks for the "Glaze" tip. Gotta Love Oprah!
To Abbey... How do I have time to style my hair? I wake up at 7AM and Kobi sleeps until 8AM. Under no circumstance does he leave that crib before 8! He's learned to keep himself entertained & "YEP" I've done this routine since Day 1:)
To Jackie... I'm just so happy you started a Blog! I've missed seeing Shaun. He's just so darn cute!
To Lisa... Don't show Brady these pictures or he may use them as blackmail when he and Kobi enroll at Hopkins. LOL!
To Laura... Maybe these pics will make their debut at Annslee & Kobi's wedding? LOL!
To R... Don't cut your hair! Its beautiful!
To Rebecca... I am learning to love the car and have come to the realisation that if Matthew wasn't in my life that Kobi and I would be living at a Diner somewhere. Hahaha!
To Ilovepearly... Thank you for the comments and subscribing to YouTube Kobi video's. I'll keep them going for you:)
To Tiffany... YES YES! We need to get together! Call me when your settled in:)