Friday, December 1, 2006

Thinking Of Everyone...

Today I got to thinking. There are so many people that have been waiting so much longer then me to get their little ones. People who have been waiting month's and month's to travel. Here I am feeling anxiety about waiting since June 26th. In the scheme of things this wait has not been too terrible. Although at times it feels like it. I just have had this vision of being with Kobi for so long it seems that it upsets me to not be with him right now. I dream of the day when I can hold Kobi for the first time and rock him to sleep. I cant wait to be the mama that he cries for and for the chance to raise this little guy. So today I have prayed for all those other families. The ones that have been waiting for so long to be united with their children from different countries. I hope that their wait is coming to a pleasant end very, very soon...

Today I also received a phone call from the agency. The Final Ruling should be happening very soon. Maybe next week but then again maybe not. Its the uncertainty that gets to me. I just have to tell myself it is no longer in my hands. Hopefully I will hear word soon. I just keep hoping that I will be with Kobi on Christmas...

1 comment:

Ann said...

Keep hoping and I'll hope with you!!!