Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Brief Recap...

So the last few months consisted of Kobi being transferred into foster care, having his first hair cut, his Hearing (Oct 23rd) and First Ruling (Nov 6th). Now we just wait til the Final Word! At the beginning of this process I had hoped to foster Kobi. However the agency advised me against traveling to soon (they did not want me to jeopardize this adoption in anyway) So I have done my best to hold back from taking that very quick drive to Dulles Airport in hopes that I will be able to travel with Matthew to Taiwan. This "not-fostering" Kobi has got to be the hardest decision I have ever made and I hope I do not regret it latter. All I can do is hope that New Hope has advised me wisely. Kobi (at 5 1/2 month's) weighed 19 1/2 lbs and was 26 inches long. The little Taiwanese baby I had hoped to bring home is now in toddler form! Yikes...so BIG! The bigger the better is now my new motto! Now if I could get this not so little-baby home!


Andrea M said...

Kobi is such a sweet and cute little guy. I've been following your story on the forum. Your time is coming soon!
Best Wishes :)

Jennifer, Billy,Samantha and Taylor said...

I like your blog!! good job

Jennifer P.

Annie said...

Hi Sherry, I like the blog! Kobi is such a cutie.
~Annie from the adopting from Taiwan Yahoo group

Ann said...

First off welcome to the world of blogging. It's such a wonderful way of sharing your story. I'm from the Yahoo group. Kobi is getting so big and he's changed so much. What a cutie. I love his eyes.