Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hey There Good Lookin

I did it! Yes people I did! The old camera has been retired and a new (much cooler one) has emerged! I'm still trying to get the gist of how it works but have finally settled on the Nikon D60. It is so awesome to be able to just click, click, click away because God knows with a slow shutter speed and toddler running around I had had it with all the "missed good shots"! I am so happy with my new purchase!!! Can you tell? Apparently the D60 is also one of the smaller DSLR's out there and so I'm feeling oh so hip. Now if it only came in pink... LOL! I just wanted to thank everyone for their tips and advice. Trust me they were all fantastic and such a huge help in this department. Believe me... I am truly camera illiterate! :)
Of course I needed to throw one black and white in but I am just blown away by the Nikon's color! All these photo's were taken on the "Child's" setting. Who needs a manual this camera is fool proof!


JEff said...

I'm beginning to wonder who is happier-Kobi or Reed! Aren't we blessed to have such great kids? Thanks for doing the research on the camera. I'm pretty sure Jeff is getting the itch for a new one.

Anonymous said...

First, I LOVE the picture of him walking up the playground path alone. That is just a sweet picture. Of course with a subject like that how could you get a bad picture??
I'm glad you posted what camera you got. I've been really disappointed with my Kodak Easyshare, the pictures are blurry whenever I use it indoors. Definitely doesn't have a fast or Child's setting either!

Laura said...

I'm so jealous! My camera is so slow.... by the time it takes the picture, AVery is long gone.

Brady Balighian said...

Great Pictures!

Ann said...

You're doing great with the new camera. Kobi man always looks like he's having the greatest time.

Tiffany said...

Love the new Kobi shots - he is getting so big!! You're new camera obviously rocks and I'm so disappointed for you that it didn't come in pink. These camera folk obviously haven't heard of us huh? Shots are awesome and Mr Kobi just melts our hearts! Awesome park by the way, what a super gym/slide.
hope all is well -
tiffany and sophia

Tish said...

ooooh! great photos! and i am looking for a new FAST camera, so i will check that one out! thanks for the recommendation. you are right , the colors are fabulous!

R... said...

Congratulations on your new camera!! I have a Nikon too (although it's not my purse camera - that's a Sony) and love love LOVE it! Consider yourself warned: you may soon need a new external drive for storing all your photos! :-)

Love the new pics - especially the blank and white - oh, wait...and the color - heck, I can't decide.

Is it just me or is it your new camera or do you notice Kobi starting to look more grown up?


Anonymous said...

Can I ask where you bought it? I am thinking of selling my nearly new-rarely-used Bugaboo to get a nice new camera :) I really like yours!

LaLa said...

Love the new camera and the subject of course!!!

J+Di Di said...

These are awesome shots!! Darn.. wish I have talked to you before buying my new Canon SD750! Your Nikon definitely has superb color!


Just Us said...

Love the shots mamma!! That camera rocks, but of course when you have excellent subjects to take pictures of...can't go wrong. Love the cute Cars outfit Kobi is sporting!! Gotta look into that Nikkon. We are now looking for a SLR b/c there are some things a point and shoot just can't catch. Kristie

Megan said...

New camera and you take great photos! Maybe I need a new one too!