Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Kobi's 1st Surround Sound Experience

"Mama what are we going to do today?""I know...can I check out the home theater? I've been really good!""I know the perfect movie but I'm starting to get hungry! " "A whole pear just for me!""You say if I eat this whole pear I can go watch my movie?""Finally I made it to the movie room... I cant wait to watch my movie!""I'm just gonna close my eyes for one second..."Poor baby Kobi slept through his first movie "Baby Mozart by Baby Einstein". There's always tomorrow...Sweet Dreams little man!


Ann said...

I love that picture of him looking at the pear. I really love it. I love the expression on his face. too cool!!

Andrea M said...

Ds loved baby einsteins. I would put him in his bouncer seat and I was usually the one who napped on the floor next to him :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... try to bite more he can chew!! Is that Shaun? it's KOBI!! :) So cute!


Anonymous said...

That is adorable, Sherry! He seems like such a happy little guy. Thanks for all your help and advice!

Amy from the Taiwan adoption group