(The following pictures are from Easter and baby Brady's B-Day)
I love what this two year old filled his bucket with.
Believe it or not but this was the best picture by the yellow bush. Hehe! Silly kid!
Daddy made Kobi's Easter basket this year. Isn't he such a good daddy? Matthew also made something similar for me on Valentines Day which turned out awesome and a total surprise!
We are currently building a small fort in the back of the house:) Thanks Uncle Pete & Auntie Cassie! I swear this swing set was never this big before?? It will soon be complete with monkey bars, swings, rock climbing wall, sand box and roof.
I know this is Kobi's blog but below are pictures I took for my friends family at a state park. I think they turned out really cool.
So far these are some of the pics I've finally gotten off the camera. Like I said in my last post more to come... :)